


Decentralized Apps That Make People Happy

Decentralized Apps That Make People Happy

Welcome to Dappy!

Welcome to Dappy!

We’re here to help internet communities thrive with open source software that centralizes context and decentralizes decision making. Experience the vibe of joyful optimism as you explore our main product, Dappy Discussions!

Dappy Discussions

Dappy Discussions

Dappy Discussions

Dappy Discussions is our hosted Discourse service for communities — a haven for civilized conversations. Say hello to custom Discourse plugins, community-driven contributions, and 100% open-source goodness.

Bring your community discussions to life on a platform that promotes positivity, engagement, and civilized conversations without compromising on fun!

Whether you’re starting a brand new community, or migrating from another platform, our team is here to assist in your journey towards a decentralized and delightful discussion paradise.

100% Open Source

Infinitely Customizable

Community Driven

Passionate People United

Custom Plugins

Supercharge Your Discussions

Ready to Elevate Your Community?

Ready to Elevate Your Community?

Join the Dappy revolution and build the ultimate home for your community on a platform that’s open, powerful, and full of positive vibes. You won’t look back!

Get Started with Dappy Discussions

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